Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Birthday Grace!!! Happy Halloween!!!

We have had a blast this month with Grace's 6th birthday and Halloween! This year Grace wanted to have a Halloween costume party for her birthday.
She invited all her friends from school and church and we decorated pumpkins, had a spider crawl relay, pumpkin bean-bag toss, there was a huge pinata, and of course cake!
It was so much fun! I can't believe Grace is six years old!

Sofia was Princess Tiana from Princess and the Frog

Grace was Padme Amidalla from Star Wars


Parker Family Seven! said...

What cute little girls! Looks like Gracie's Birthday party was a lot of fun!!! Wow, six years old! Where has the time gone? Happy Birthday, Grace! I hope she is enjoying school, too, and making lots of fun memories--enjoy every minute--it goes by fast!
I see Baby Boy Childs nestled there by his older sisters in that picture, too--what fun to see you, Christine! Lots of love to you, and know that we are praying for you all and thinking of you!

Melanie said...

Wow your girls are so grown up. What a fun party for Grace's birthday. I hope you are doing well with your pregnancy, good luck!