Monday, August 9, 2010


We all went as a family to find out if we were going to have a boy or a girl last week! Before the ultrasound, Cass and I were certain we were expecting a girl just by our gut feelings. Grace had been praying for the past six months to have a little brother and Sofi wanted to have a baby sister...with all that said, Grace was beaming with excitement, Cass and I were in shock, and Sofi didn't believe it when the technician told us that our baby was going to be a BOY! I don't know if you can tell in the picture but it was very clear in the ultrasound to see that it really is a boy. I remember when I went to find out when I was pregnant with Grace and when I was pregnant with Sofi it wasn't so easy to tell but with this little guy we were able to tell right away.
I'm looking forward to all the blue, sports, and trucks!