Monday, July 26, 2010

Its been a long time since I have posted anything on my blog, but we have been very busy the past few months. We moved from Rhode Island to Syracuse, New York in the beginning of May. In the beginning of June, Cass started his masters program at Syracuse University and he really enjoys it so far. Meanwhile, I have been enjoying all the excitement while being horribly sick with morning sickness!... Yes, I am pregnant!!!!
I am very happy to say that I am beginning to feel almost normal now that I am just over the 4 month mark and the excitement is really starting to set in. We should be finding out pretty soon what the gender is. We can't wait to find out! We will definitely be so happy if its a girl or a boy!
Grace and Sofia are so excited to have a little baby. They already make such good little mommies! Now that I am starting to show they want to look just like me.

Grace is fascinated with catching bugs in our back yard. We found this huge beetle there one day. Grace was a little creeped out in this picture because the beetle had some feet that could really grip on to her skin. Ewe!

Sofia, on the other hand, is the exact opposite. She loves to dress up and dance around the living room. don't ask me where she learned how to pose. It just comes naturally.